Tuesday, November 30, 2004

international man of leisure...

...so recently, the day begins with waking up really early. i don't know why, but i've been waking up at 6am lately - just before sunrise. love watching the world before its awake
go online, check my mail, read the hometown rag - www.smh.com.au
then when the woman goes off to work, i go down to the gym, have a light workout.
come back upstairs - make myself a mango smoothie, listen to some music, read a book, watch a movie on hbo, whatever.
after that, well, can go out, or not, depending on the feeling...might go for a wander of the markets today, chrissie present shopping etc.
damn, its a hard life!
i actually did a full day of work last week - was so tired that afterwards i was in bed by 8:15pm...can't believe that people actually do this thing called "work" on a regular basis...for me, it's 436 days of weekend, one day of work - not a bad balance, i think...


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